Brad Kidvue here on the scene of the New Fire Station 2 for the Emergency Response Team, which is a federal agency, started right here on the outskirts of Phoxlind in the 60's. Right now, the building's outer part is completed and we can see at least one fully functional bay with a truck it in right now. Unfortunately we were not allowed in at this time for more information, however a representative from the ERT announced this station will be opening shortly while it is still under construction, he says: "due to the layout of the station, we are able to open the station under one bay, a reduced living area on the second floor, and a small kitcehn area on the first, while the remainder of the station is completed" He says that there is still another two bays, one for the other fire apparatus, and one for the station chief, as well as all the offices, and the remainder of the living areas on the first and second floors that are still being completed on the inside. The outer work of the station is still not complete, as construction workers are still placing the finishing touches, however the completed bay is fully finished and has RES1CUE and the ERT logo up right now.
Stay tuned in for more information as it comes in!
Stay tuned in for more information as it comes in!