Police By-Laws
By Sgt. Joe Libor and Lt. Bridwell
These are the official by-laws of the ERT Police Department. Violation of them could result in verbal correction to being suspended from duty.Officer Conduct
All officers are required to act professional and be as realistic as possible to the best of their ability.
Restricted Conduct:
Vulgar Language: This is acceptable in some cases for realism, but keep it to a minimum.
Racism: Any comments that are directed towards member because of race or ethnic beliefs will be suspended. Again, if being used in a call for realism, keep it very limited and not offending directly to any members. (Note from site administration, if any racism is deemed too much, you could be banned over it, so watch it)
Discriminating: Anybody who harasses or insults any other member will be suspended. This involves discriminating against religion, race, sexual orientation, political ideas, etc.
Sexual Conduct: Anybody caught posting or sending sexual images, videos, or messages will be banned. Anybody caught harassing someone because of their sex will be banned.
Unprofessionalism: Anybody being unprofessional intentionally will be suspended. This includes breaking rules and/or creating problems whether it be through posting or outside conduct.
Use of drugs/ alcohol: No officer is allowed at all to use any type of drugs or alchol on scene or on duty.
Violation for use of tobbaco products could result in:
1st Violation-A verbal Warning
2nd Violation-A suspension
3rd Violation-A ban
Any violation that includes alcohol or illegal drugs will result in a ban.
Last edited by J.Libor on Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:45 pm; edited 4 times in total