the Coldsteel Counter Tac II
What do you think of it?
J.Libor wrote:Now I know who not to pick fights with.
DCBurke wrote:Batons are a lot more dangerous for three reasons, it takes more to deter the attacker with a baton, as it is weaker, it is a pain in the ass to beat someone silly with a stick, and three the damage it inflicts might be so minimal somone might get carried away with it and hurt someone a lot more, or end up charged with excessive use of force because they'll keep going to be safe
A tazer has the main downside of if it goes on to someone with heart troubles, they be going down, and there's a good chance not getting up ever.
A knife on the other hand has the scare factor, it shows you mean business, and one jab in the arm or a nonvital spot is enough to get them away. The best weapon for protection is a gun. You shoot someone, they will know you're serious
M. Cressler wrote:if you realllly think that come visit me i can temp blind you in about a second if i hold it there any longer it'll start to cause permanent damage i was playin with it today and i took of the glass it comes with the reflection from my wall about 8feet away was enough to hurt my eyes for about 20 minutes