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J. Lueckenbach
C. Hutchison
Bruce Beard
C. Davis
11 posters

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm


    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Location : Newfoundland

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by DCBurke Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:44 am

    "The MCI bus will be another 32 minutes at least before it is ready. All greens can be released to their own care, advise on numbers once defined. I'll contact the MCI team now."
    J. Lueckenbach
    J. Lueckenbach

    Join date : 2011-02-24
    Age : 31
    Location : Hampstead NC

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by J. Lueckenbach Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:11 pm

    'Yeah I could use some help, cant figure out what is accually causing all of this smoke, I just cant seem to shut it off.'
    *I hit it with the end of my pike pole and it continues to belch smoke but a screwdriver falls out of the heating coils.*
    "L-1 Lueckenbach to command cause has been found, attempting to shut off, cause possibly arson, might want to have LEO's hold all persons possible for questioning."
    *I look down and see that the fuel is gravity fed to the heater.*
    'Here, help me turn it over, I think it might fix it.'
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Age : 33
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:35 pm

    "OSC to L1 Lueckenbach, did you say we have a possible Arson? BREAK to COPA, can we get an Arson investigator out here, we have a suspicious fire. OSC to all interior crews, leave everything as you found it and wait for the arson investigator to get on scene."

    *I grab my gear and get ready in case COPA says it is my job to do the investigation.*

    (Burke, I do have my NAFI card if you want me to do the investigation stuff.)

    J. Lueckenbach
    J. Lueckenbach

    Join date : 2011-02-24
    Age : 31
    Location : Hampstead NC

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by J. Lueckenbach Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:33 pm

    "10-4 on the possible arson, looks like a screwdriver was jammed into one of the heaters. We flipped it upside down and got it to stop making smoke, do you want me to start searching for victims?"
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Age : 33
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:50 pm

    "Did you find any hot spots other then the heater? If not start to help with evac. Try 2 platform, foreman reports he had contact with a crew of 5 that were trap there. BREAK to COPA, we are cointinueing evac, sorce of smoke has bbeen determined as a heater with a screwdriver jammed in to one of the heating coils."

    *I look at the board and see that the squad's crew has been in there for almost 30 min.*

    "OSC to S1 crews, you have been in for 30 min. You need to come out, rehab, and change out your SCBA bottle."
    C. Davis
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:25 pm

    "OK, sounds good. I'm coming out."

    *I head out of the tunnel and over to the squad. Then I take off my SCBA and jacket. Then I head over to the ambulance for rehab.*
    A. O'Reilly
    A. O'Reilly
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    Join date : 2011-03-19
    Location : Aiken County, South Carolina

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by A. O'Reilly Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:17 pm

    "M1, we've got a patient with respiratory problems, he looks like a possible yellow."

    *I then turn to Davis.*

    "Davis, Gatorade's on the back bumper. Uhm, we're a little backed up."

    *I click my radio.*

    "M5 to OSC, we need additional units ASAP. We're getting backlogged."

    *I turn to the man I put on O2 and check his breathing.*

    "Okay, sir, you can leave. However, please remain in the area, you might need to be questioned."

    *He nods and gets out of the unit. I put the man with severe respiratory issue on O2 and begin rechecking his vitals.*

    ((OK, we've got 1 patient with M1, unknown status. 1 green treated and released. 1 yellow being treated. 1 being treated by Jackson, unknown status. 2 waiting, unknown status. That's 6 out, correct me if I'm wrong. Also, S1 is awaiting rehab.))
    D. Jackson
    D. Jackson

    Join date : 2011-04-03

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D. Jackson Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:24 pm

    'Just keep breathing the oxygen mate, it's ok.' I say, checking the vitals, he looks okay but I'm not sure how bad the smoke inhalation and CO poisoning is, so I write something else in my notepad and look over him, he's not looking sick or any other CO poisoning symptoms, so I tag him as a green
    "Jackson, plus one green, just keeping him on O2 for a minute.." I say into the radio, tagging the guy with his vitals and the symptoms. 'Angus, what else we got?' I ask. 'You want me to deal with rehab?' I say, seeing my fellow Squad guys turning up.
    A. O'Reilly
    A. O'Reilly
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    Join date : 2011-03-19
    Location : Aiken County, South Carolina

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by A. O'Reilly Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:35 pm

    "Jackson, rehab can wait. We've got at least two patients waiting. Check them out. Release any greens that you've treated."

    *I jot down the man's vitals and name as I mutter to myself.*

    "John Rodgers...pulse 130...BP 150/80...respirations 14."

    ((3 unknown status. 1 green released. 1 green being treated. 1 yellow being treated. 1 awaitin rehab.))

    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Location : Newfoundland

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by DCBurke Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:57 pm

    "Understood, we'll be sending our investigator (he's NPC)"
    ERT nut
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D.McGuire Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:35 pm

    'Cory we have 3 not known that I will let EMS-5 check out, 1 green, a yellow being, and one in for rehab. I'll be transporting this guy here shortly.' *I nod to the patient I'm getting info from* (The first victim, the incapacitated one)
    Master Poster
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    Join date : 2011-01-13
    Age : 29
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by JessicaForsyth Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:52 am

    *I walk over to the Triage area*
    'I'll start handling the rehab for you guys unless you want me somewhere else'

    (*kills dell* my computer still being tempermental so I might not be super active)
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:50 am

    "OSC to COPA, we have total of 6 found, 2 green: 1 treated and released, 1 being treated, 1 yellow, being treated, 3 unknown at this time. 1 FF is heading for rehab. PPV will be initiated momentarily, and we are still searching for 11 victims in the subway. BREAK to L1 Lueckenbach, Once you're on your way out start up the PPV fan, before you leave."

    *I walk over to the ladder and grab the radio.*

    "OSC to ERT:Fire investigator, we have a suspicious source of smoke, no flames or hot spots found. A malfuncitoning heater had a screwdriver shoved up in to on of the heating coils. Scene is intact, but SAR operations are in progress."

    *I put the radio down and check my board. I move Davis from interior crew to rehab.*

    "OSC to Davis, once you get cleared from rehab, I need you to continue SAR, on the 2nd platform."
    D. Jackson
    D. Jackson

    Join date : 2011-04-03

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D. Jackson Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:08 am

    'Another smoke inhalation. Alright.' I say to myself as I ask the other guy to sit down, he does so, but coughing extremely badly, I grab another oxygen tank and hook him up as I begin to take his vitals. 'Respirations 25, laboured, 140/85, Pulse 105.' I write on the sheet, the guy was still coughing badly. 'Ok mate, let's just keep breathing, tell me if anything else is wrong.' He points to his head, as I stand up. 'Headache?' He nods slightly and I write it down.

    "Jackson to Triage, That's another yellow." I say into my radio, as I put a yellow tag with the symptoms scrawled on next to him.
    C. Davis
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:01 am

    "OSC I copy. I'll be done here in a sec."

    *I grab some Gatorade off the bumper of the ambulance and drink it. I sit down for a few minutes while I get...recharged.*
    J. Lueckenbach
    J. Lueckenbach

    Join date : 2011-02-24
    Age : 31
    Location : Hampstead NC

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by J. Lueckenbach Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:15 am

    "Copy will be moving up in a sec, gonna check platform 2 a little."
    *I go over to platform 2 and start crawling around. I come upon the edge of the platform and the smoke drops off alot after you go down to where the tracks are. I lower myself off of the edge and to the bottom to check the rail area and find 4 people huddled up under the platform.*
    'Im with the fire department are you all right?'
    'Well I would hope you were with the fire department, and yeah how are we gonna get out of here?'
    "L-1 Lueckenbach to command, I have a group of 4 people at platform 2, is there any way to get them out without walking them all the way back out through the smoke?"

    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Location : Newfoundland

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by DCBurke Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:32 pm

    "Negative, the entire area is still seperated, subways aren't finished yet, and the nearest exit from the other end of the tunnel is half a mile at least. Not a good idea I think so personally"
    ERT nut
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    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Age : 42
    Location : Somewhere, I'll be in the last place you look.

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by EwanRaven Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:39 pm

    I go down blind. "FIRE DEPARTMENT!"I yell at the top of my lungs and feel around. My legs get tangled around in an extention cord, and I swear as I become more entangled, I lose a glove in the process. Finnaly righting myself but still tangled I feel around for the lost glove and feel something flesh like. "Raven to OSC I have a possible other vic, and need help getting up, my feet are tangled."
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:52 pm

    "Copy that Raven, I'm coming back in."

    *I go back to the squad, put my Gatorade on the front seat, and put my jacket and helmet back on. Then I get a bottle and hook up my SCBA. I head back into the tunnel.*

    "Raven, how are you? I'm in!"
    J. Lueckenbach
    J. Lueckenbach

    Join date : 2011-02-24
    Age : 31
    Location : Hampstead NC

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by J. Lueckenbach Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:30 pm

    "Copy COPA, patients are better off here untill we get air quality cleared up, will be sheltering in place at this time. Break L1 Lueckenbach to L1 Raven you sounded close I'm on my way now to assist."
    'Okay so we need to get you guys out of here, but there is too much smoke right now, there isn't much here right now so it would be better for you to just stay here and we will be back for you.'
    'Okay, we can all breath fine, so that is okay, just come back.'
    'We will.'
    *I climb back up to the platform and make my way over to Raven and see that his feet are caught in some wires for the PA system.*
    'Hey Raven, having fun? Lets see.'
    *I pull out my knife out of my pant pocket and cut the wire and his legs are free.*
    'There you go. You want some help with the victim here?'
    ERT nut
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    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Age : 42
    Location : Somewhere, I'll be in the last place you look.

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by EwanRaven Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:36 pm

    I untangle the wires and get up... "Yeah let's go between the shoulders." I say.
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:14 am

    *I finally see Raven and Lueckenbach helping the vic.*

    'Hey guys, need some help or should I keep looking?'
    J. Lueckenbach
    J. Lueckenbach

    Join date : 2011-02-24
    Age : 31
    Location : Hampstead NC

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by J. Lueckenbach Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:21 am

    'I think we got it.'
    *We put the victim between out shoulders and start to walk.*
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:33 am

    'Ok, I'll keep looking.'

    *I keep crawling through the smoke, reaching my hand out to find victims.*
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:42 pm

    (Sorry I've been inactive over the past few days, Ive gotten hammered, being the only medic on call and running my tail off. Just git clear from a heroin OD. I need you guys to give me a vic count after each vic is found, and a gain after triage. Here is what I have: 2 greens, 2 yellows, and 8 unknown.)

    "OSC to Interior teams, I need an update on SAR operations. BREAK to COPA, I have triage update of 1 greens, 2 yellows, 1 released, and 8 unknowns at this point. We still have 5 missing. Fire Investigator is on scene, awaiting arrival of MCI bus."

    *I reach over and grab my board and take a look at it. Then I grab my mic.*

    "OSC to L1 Forsyth, you and Mike go a head and assist with SAR, once all victims are found, head back to the Triage area."

    *I wait for acknowledgement and updates.*

    Last edited by C. Hutchison on Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
    ERT nut
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    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Age : 42
    Location : Somewhere, I'll be in the last place you look.

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by EwanRaven Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:06 pm

    ((I'll make sure that your personel life doesn't effect the grading of the call.))

    "Fire department!" I yell out.
    C. Davis
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:23 pm

    *I follow Raven, trying to see through the smoke.*

    'I think it's clearing up a bit, now that the heater's off.'
    ERT nut
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    Location : New Jersey

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D.McGuire Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:43 pm

    *After completing vitals and treatment for now, I shut the doors and head up to the cab. I pick up the mic for the fireground freq.*

    "EMS-1 to command, transporting 1."

    *I put down that radio and pic up the regular dispatch mic*

    "EMS-1 to central, transporting one to ERT hospital."
    ERT nut
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    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Age : 42
    Location : Somewhere, I'll be in the last place you look.

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by EwanRaven Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:36 pm

    "Davis continue search, I'm going up to do treatment." I say through the mask, then climb up. I take off my SCBA, and start setting up.
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:40 pm

    "OSC copies M 1, enroute to ETC with 1."

    *I look as they leave to see the MCI bus arrive on scene. I see the team get off and I send them over to M5 to do triage.*

    (Just godmod the team since I think they're NPC's)

    "OSC to all fire personell at triage, gear up and head in for SAR ops. MCI team will take over your jobs at triage. M5 will have temporary EMS command till M1 returns to scene."
    Master Poster
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by JessicaForsyth Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:45 am

    (So...little update xD. Im a genious. hurt myself riding my horse again lol. On the good side though my computers fixed and mikes should be fixed soon..if dell gets it the right friggin parts lol.)

    *I go to mike nad we gear up and each of us grab an axe*
    "L1 Forsyth to IC were heading in for SAR"
    *I lead mike into the terminal and we start searching for victims*
    D. Jackson
    D. Jackson

    Join date : 2011-04-03

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D. Jackson Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:36 am

    "Jackson's returning to SAR shortly." I say into my radio to the OSC as I see the EMS personnel getting off the MCI bus. 'We got a few yellows and greens, the Triage command's over there.' I tell the EMS guys as they approach me and start asking what to do. They all head over for assignments as I grab my helmet and jump bag and run it back to the Squad. I grab a SCBA and pull it on, checking my hood and everything before grabbing a radio. "Jackson to S1 Raven, where am I needed, over."
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:53 pm

    *I call out "Fire Dept!" and I hear a vioce.*

    'Over here!'

    *I crawl over to the voice and see 3 men that are coughing and weezing.*

    'Hi, I'm with the fire dept. Can you guys walk?'
    'Alright, follow me.'

    "Davis to OSC, I found 3 more. Smoke inhalation and CO exposure. I'm bringing them out now."

    *I make my way out of the tunnel after a few minutes and take them to the triage area.*

    'Here you go guys, smoke inhalation and CO exposure.'
    Bruce Beard
    Bruce Beard
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by Bruce Beard Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:54 pm

    *i disconect from my rope, and start searching along. the smoke is starting to disipate a bit. as im moving along i stumble across what appears to be a body*
    'hello? are you okay?!?'
    *i move down closer and see that it is just a duffle bag and i move on*
    ERT nut
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    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Age : 42
    Location : Somewhere, I'll be in the last place you look.

    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by EwanRaven Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:52 pm

    I start triage of the vics that Davis had just brought out.
    After taking vitals, I mark three green, and one yellow.

    "I need you to lay down sir." I say and help him to comply, I open 02 with a mask at 15 liters a minute, then start an IV.

    Jackson, I want you down the tunnel with Davis, you follow his orders to the letter.

    (Vic count is 15 total as of this post)
    C. Davis
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:53 pm

    'Great, just 2 more...or so I've been told.'

    *I turn to Jackson and shout.*

    'Yo dude, you ready? You're coming with me. We only have a couple more to find!'
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:18 pm

    "OSC to COPA, we have found 15 of the 17 reported, triage status is, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 released, 1 transported by M1, 11 unknown/not triaged yet. I have FF Jackson, and FF/SAR Forsyth entering the subway to assist in locating the last 2 victims."

    *I got over to my board and move the tags for Forsyth and Jackson to interior team, from triage.*

    "OSC to SAR teams we have 2 more victims, also if you have an EMS cert, triage the victim as you evac. BREAK to M1 what is your return ETA?"

    (Just to keep triage from getting overwhelmingly backed up.)

    *I take a seat in the OIC's seat of the Ladder and grab a powerade once I notice I'm sweating. I take a sip and then head back out to check over at triage.*
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by JessicaForsyth Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:25 pm

    *We keep searching through the terminal*
    'Fire Department anyone there?!'
    *I hear a faint call and head towards it with mike and we come upon a male with a an injured leg*
    'Sir my names Jessica I'm with the ERT fire department where are you hurt'
    *I ask as Mike takes his maks off and shares some of hte oxygen with the victim*
    'My leg hurts. I tried to get out and couldnt see and I strumbled over something.'
    'Okay, hows your breathing'
    'I can breath fine now'
    'Okay lets get you out of here. Whats your anmd and how old are you?'
    'My names Ryan and I'm 26 years old'
    'Alright thanks'
    "L1 Forsyth to OSC we got one victim. were on our way out."
    *Me and Mike help him up and help him start towards the exit*
    "L1 Forsyth to Triage we have a 26 year old male. Green-Yellow tag. Possible smoke inhalation and some sort of leg injury possibly a sprained ankle or twisted ankle"

    (Vic count 16)
    C. Davis
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    Age : 27
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Davis Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:20 am

    I say to myself, 'Nice job Jess, just one more!'

    *I keep crawling into the tunnel. After what seems like forever, I still don't find anyone. I can see a bit clearer. I reach the end of the tunnel and feel something. I look closer and realize that it's a motionless body. I press my ear to his chest and hear that he's still breathing.*

    "Davis to triage and OSC, I'm bringing up the last one. Possible red, he's unconcious but still breathing. I'm guessing smoke inhalation and heavy CO exposure."

    *I pick him up, put him on my shoulder, and carry him out. Once I'm out, I bring him to the triage area and gently set him down.*

    VIC COUNT: 17 (All reported victims found)
    C. Hutchison
    C. Hutchison
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    Join date : 2010-12-26
    Age : 33
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by C. Hutchison Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:26 am

    "OSC copies, 1 yellow, 1 red being brought out. BREAK to all units, all victims accounted for, all personell with EMS training report to triage and treatment to assist M5. Subway OSC to COPA, we have an all clear, situtation contained. Current victim count of: 1 green, 2 yellow, 1 red, 1 released, 1 transported, 8 untriaged. All units tied up til further notice."

    *I reach up to my accountibility board and move Forsyth to exterior ops, till she drop off her patient. I move Davis' tag over to triage. I check the status of the tunnel and see that the smoke is really clearing up with the PPV on.*

    "OSC to Davis stay with M5 and assist them with triage please. BREAK to Beard and Forsyth, once you and your patient is out head to treatment area and take over care of the red tag patient."

    *I walk over to the MCI bus and see a middle aged man get off and head towards me. I see his shrit says "MCI Team Leader." I walk over to him.*

    'Ok, I need you to load up any yellow tags, and any patient that is tagged green, but the medic says needs or wants transport, as they come out of triage.'

    MCI Team Leader
    'Not a problem, we have 3 on board right now and can probably fit 16 more patients.' (12 Patient beds and 5 trauma beds.)

    'Ok, that will be fine then.'

    *I turn and head over to triage to see where things are at over there. I go to the back of M5 and try to catch O'reilly.*

    'Hey O'Reilly? I need to know where we are at with Triage.'
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by JessicaForsyth Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:54 am

    *Mike and I continue to take the patient out and walk him over to triage*
    'Hes yellow. He probably has smoke inhalation and either a sprained or twisted ankle. I'm not sure which at this time'
    *I help him over to one of the beds set up at triage and help him lay down*
    D. Jackson
    D. Jackson

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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D. Jackson Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:05 am

    I head back to Triage as all victims have been found and set my helmet besides Davis' patient. 'Chuck, we're gonna need some O2 for him, I'll get vitals.' I say as I get there. 'Respirations 23, very laboured, 145/90, Pulse 125.' I say, writing this on a tag, which I quickly make a red as I realise he's unconscious and looks like he's had major smoke inhalation and definitely some CO exposure. "S1 Jackson, confirm Davis' patient as a red, vitals have been taken." I say into my radio, as I scribble symptoms on the triage tag and wait for someone with better training to help.
    Bruce Beard
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    Post by Bruce Beard Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:20 pm

    *I hear the call for all EMS trained personelle to report to triage and that all vics are acounted for.*
    "L1 HRES to command ill be exiting the tunnle at this time"
    *i grab the high powered lights as im on my way out of the tunnle once i get to the top i look back and see black smoke billowing out of the opening. i reach up unclip my regulator, and lay my helmet, and fire gloves on the bumper of the ladder, i pull my hood back and take off my face piece and then my air pack and lay them on the front bumper. i walk around the the EMS compartment on the ladder, dry my hands and put on a pair of large EMS gloves. grab my Lifepack 15 and my ALS bag and walk over to triage.*
    "Beard to command ill be assisting with triage"
    C. Hutchison
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    Post by C. Hutchison Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:39 pm

    "OSC copies Beard. Head over to Jackson, his patient is in need of ALS care."

    *I notice the MCI team loading up 3 more patients. I move Beard's tag from interior crew to treatment team. I walk over to the MCI team leader.*

    'Ok what is the patient statuses that you have?'

    MCI team leader
    'I have 3 greens and 3 yellows on board, all are being given high flow O2.'

    'Ok thank you for the update.'

    "OSC to COPA, we have 3 greens, 3 yellows, 1 red, 1 released; 1 transported, 6 loaded in MCI, 7 untriaged patients. We have 1 patient being treated on scene waiting for M1 to return to the scene."

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    Post by DCBurke Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:52 pm

    "Understood, the MCI bus will be there shortly to transport yellows, so no more medical transports for that. They can also assist with tagging
    Bruce Beard
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    Post by Bruce Beard Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:58 pm

    *i see jackson with his vic, i set my life pack down next to him and turn it on.. alright Jackson put 4 leads on him, one on each shoulder and one on each ancle*
    'sir! Sir! can you hear me?!?' *i give the Vic a sternal rub and he reacts but barely.*
    'alright jackson once you get those leads on get my a bag of ringers set up so i can start an IV'
    *i take my pen light and check the Vics puples and there reacticve*
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    Post by EwanRaven Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:10 pm

    Busy with my patient I over hear the treatment on the red.
    "Beard start a 2.25 epi in the IV, start nasal canal 6 litres a minute."
    Bruce Beard
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    Post by Bruce Beard Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:24 pm

    *once jackson gets the leads on and gets my bag of ringers set up i grab a 16 ga needle and put a alastic turnoquite on and the vien starts to stick out i take the needle and slide it into the vein and watch the tube fill up with blood, i put presure on it to keep the blood from comming out so i can flush it to make sure i didnt blow the vein. i take the flush and slowly push it into the cathider and see that the IV took, then i hook up the back of ringers and secure the cathader into the vein. once i make sure that is secure i take the epi and push it slowly into the IV.*
    "Raven thats a negative on the canual hes uncontious and hes being treated for smoke inhallation, so im going to put him on a NRB at 12 lpm"
    (i did that per my states protocall)
    *i take a look at the moniter and see that its a steady beat and everything is within normal limits except for his SpO2 which is at 89 with no O2*
    C. Davis
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    Post by C. Davis Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:24 pm

    'I'll get the oxygen.'

    *I step into the back of the ambulance and get an oxygen tank and mask. I head back to the vic and strap the mask to his face. I open the oxygen tank and let it flow.*

    'Alright, what now?'
    D. Jackson
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    Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm - Page 2 Empty Re: Austin Trulit Subway Smoke Alarm

    Post by D. Jackson Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:41 am

    'Ok Bruce, tell me what you need doing, I'll do it, smoke inhalation, smoke probably more serious.' I add, writing down the treatments. 'So he's on O2, and we got a bag of ringers.' I say to myself just finishing off as I stay next to Bruce and the patient.

    Last edited by D. Jackson on Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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