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    ERT to take over County's Traffic problems


    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Location : Newfoundland

    ERT to take over County's Traffic problems Empty ERT to take over County's Traffic problems

    Post by DCBurke Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:47 pm

    After a joint meeting between the Emergency Response Team, Phoxlind City Council, Trulit Town Council and the local police departments, it has been decided ERT would open a new division dedicated to traffic operations, including, but not limited to, accident investigation, impact studies, traffic jam management, and traffic enforcement.

    When questioned, ERT Director Burke reported that the new traffic division would include two unmarked traffic units, a marked commercial enforcement vehicle, three stealth units --a type of police car that looks like a normal civil car until headlights, or another light source hits it's paint, revealing photoactive paint of the ERT scheme-- a traffic investigator unit, as well as a special operations Heavy Traffic unit, a van used to handle high traffic areas. This current department opening will bring in another 10 or more jobs to the Phoxlind Area Law enforcement community, already thriving with several agencies.

    Phoxlind Mayor was quoted today saying "[traffic has] gotten to be worse ever since ERT became federal a few years ago. People started flocking to the city, and more to Trulit and surrounding areas to attend the Federal Training Academy, or work in one of the many jobs ERT has provided. We currently are working on the subway system, and increasing public trasit, but traffic will always be a concern, especially since as of Feb 28, we have a total population of 800,000 and climbing. The job oppurtunites are more and more by the day. We're currently in the process of approving 2 subdivisions outside of the North East Residency of Phoxlind, and Trulit is reported to be doing the same for those more interested in the small town life."

    This new boom will mean lots for the ERT, as well as the cities it influences. Director Burke has confirmed that they have two units currently in the works and expected to be put into duty within the next week. The ERT Traffic Division of the Police will be serving out of the ERT Police department on Trulit Interpass while a suitible satellite station is found

    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Location : Newfoundland

    ERT to take over County's Traffic problems Empty Re: ERT to take over County's Traffic problems

    Post by DCBurke Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:57 pm

    ERT District commissioner announced the official opening to traffic division with a commercial enforcement unit and a supervisor

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