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    Join date : 2010-07-17
    Location : Newfoundland

    01022011Echo Empty 01022011Echo

    Post by DCBurke

    Shed Fire

    Victims: One Minor burns, one being treated at Trauma centre for major burns and smoke inhilation


    Good victim count afterbeing reminded... You guys did remember to do it, AFTER I mentioned it three times... It's expected for a new policy though, so I'll let it slide this time.

    Squad 1 didn't seem to do much with whoever was on scene. It looked pretty boring after the person was found. I have said a million times to a million or more, that god modding is okay, if it's required... Fifty minutes or less is not time to god mod someone. If you're just gonna be standing around, assuming a role of nothing, don't bother posting, it's a waste of time.

    One liners.. Oh god. Would you watch a movie if the actors only did one single action at a time? No, no one would, it'd be boring. Posts with sevearl actions, or lines are good. God modding others is not if they are still there. Even if my post was checking with Raven on the other side who's crew would go in, mine or his, instead of "Raven, you or me goin in?" I could turn it into, *I grab my radio and call out to Raven*"Me or you goin in Raven?" While awaiting a response I put on my SCBA tank and prepare to actually be around the fire
    See 6 words became three lines. Elaborate as much as you can. Just don't god mod.

    Good not calling in BLS, That's what I like. BLS owuld've been useless here, so I'm glad you didn't waste time doing that.

    Squad is not
    responsible for RIT. It goes RA-1, then if they are busy or not on scene,
    Ladder 1 handles the RIT. Squad 1 is not the firefighter Rescue Team. They handle victim rescue. By setting up RIT, not only did you change roles for both units, you also wasted a lot of time.

    And finally... Holy Sh*t OOC... Too much. We have Personal Message system. Use that to get people a message. Conversations outside of the call should be limited. I don't care if you PM someone all the way through the call about everything, but not in the call. A little bit is fine.. If there is a problem, or something you want everyone to see and it can't work into in character format, then use OOC, but conversations taking place, and you lose promotion chances. Not a good thing..

    NEW RULES TO STEM FROM THIS CALL:Posting Order will now be established. Not to the point where you can only post every X posts, but obviously, you need to wait to get orders, so this is being put in place to ensure the call is not flown through in 12 hours like this one. These rules will be posted in the Announcements forum andlater moved to support.
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    C. McEvoy

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:58 pm by C. McEvoy

    Why would BLS be useless? If myself and Bruce hopped in with them to go to the hospital just to transport wouldn't that work?
    J. Hannahan

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:01 pm by J. Hannahan

    Ok... I understand wverything here but the posting order. Does this meant the OIC has to give someone an order before people can post of them doing something?
    @ McEvoy, BLS doesn't have the needed equipment for ALS use even if you staff it with paramedics. The paramedics wouldn't be able to do much since they won't have the right equipment. Trust me, I've tried and the outcome wasn't too great hehe.

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:03 pm by DCBurke

    It shoudln't but people go amok if they aren't ordered. So I'm putting this into affect. I'll post it and it will be a constatn work in progress
    C. Davis

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:19 pm by C. Davis

    So if we're not ordered to do anything we just chill out until told to do so? Can we take orders from any TO or just ours right?
    Bruce Beard

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:20 pm by Bruce Beard

    or any fire officer for that fact of the matter
    C. McEvoy

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:26 pm by C. McEvoy

    Not any officer only LFO and chief and above
    C. Hutchison

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:58 pm by C. Hutchison

    *I realize that the RA is supposed to be RIT, but I figured that I would check if some one else had set it up, so that I wasn't redunant.*
    M. Cressler

    Post Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:27 pm by M. Cressler

    soo when we get on scene we just stand and watch the fire burn until someone logs on to tell us to pull the cross lay? wouldn't that negate the fact that we have a person in a third seat thats immediately suppose to grab a cross lay? I've never pulled up on a fire got out and stood and stared at it waiting to be told to mask up and grab a line it's sort of a reflex you get there and put the wet stuff on the hot stuff then once you start getting it wet you can worry about where exactally the water needs to be and working interior, but those are just my comments

    Post Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:20 am by DCBurke

    Well the truck officers will be informed of when the call happens, and the truck doesn't leave or arrive until they say, so they won't have you guys sitting around on scene doing nothing. Once it arrives, they give orders in the same post. I know it seems stupid for the people who know what they're at, but because of the ones that don't, we're stuck with having to pay for them all, because so many calls have been ruined by people not reading, people repeating actions, people doing things they're not even supposed to do, and people skipping essential tasks (such as putting out the fire.. It actually happened. A car fire spread to the brush, the fire on the car was put out then a team left without TO's confirmation)
    C. Davis

    Post Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:45 am by C. Davis

    Oh yeah I remeber that call. Are these rules permanent?
    J. Hannahan

    Post Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:59 am by J. Hannahan

    I was on that dreadful call... taught me a lot haha. This sounds good but the T.O. would need to be present during the whole call which is almost impossible for.....

    Post Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:47 am by DCBurke

    No, really all that needs to be present is a TO or COPA official. At the beginning of calls, a TO will announce leaving and arriving. Then at the end, either COPA or the LFO will clear all units off scene, in which then everyone can leave, unless a TO is already there then they will request their unit to leave. It doesn't really require complete presence, but it'll slow things down. 5 pages in 12 hours is way to much.. People were complaining that there was no officers or COPA there, that's becuase I set it, hung around for an hour or two, then went to bed, and by the time I was back, the call was over.. I'd imagine the same for most officers. I had a few say they weren't even gonna show up to it because it was done when they signed on. This isn't a real time game, so spending 3 days in real life doesn't mean three days in Phoxlind time.
    Among other solutions, such as a strict posting order all together, I decided this was best. But this 5 people running a call, and no officers or COPA present doesn't work at all,so it'll stop now, and this is the best way to ensure. This rule will probaobly be adjusted as time goes on however
    J. Hannahan

    Post Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:23 am by J. Hannahan

    I was there. I was the TO.

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